The Future of Gardening-Nature-Based Landscaping

Montecito, California, native plants, Matilija poppy, Montecito landscape, Landscape design, santa barbara, santa barbara landscape, Lavender, garden paths, flagstone, Mediterranean style

Garden in the Montecito Foothills fits seamlessly with the natural surroundings

What is Nature-Based Landscaping?

Nature-based landscaping is what it sounds like. It’s working with Nature rather than fighting Nature. This is a style of landscape design that mimics nature and takes its cue from the natural surroundings. It is about the plants you choose, where you plant them, and how you manage their soil and water. For millions of years, plants have evolved to thrive where they were born. They did this without irrigation, fertilizers, mulch, or pruning; they did fine without us.

California Native Bays line the driveway to provide privacy

Five Key Basics of Nature-based landscaping

  1. Use Natives

Use Natives and species appropriate to your climate. These would include drought-tolerant Mediterranean plants that thrive in our California coastal zone; Olives, Sages, Lavender, Mexican Marigold, Nepeta, Santa Barbara daisy, Rockrose, etc.

Montecito drought tolerant landscape mimics nature

2. Remove invasives

Feather grasses, Echium, and Euphorbia might be all the rage with designers, but they are extremely invasive, take over the native chaparral, and contribute to the California fires. See California Invasive Plant Counsel for extensive lists of plants to avoid and good alternatives.

Santa Barbara colorful garden full of drought-tolerant plants

3. Leave the leaves

Allowing leaves to compost where they lay, adds organic matter to the soil. Tree leaves contain the food the tree needs to grow. If you do nothing, there is no need for expensive fertilizers.

Santa Barbara Contemporary gravel landscape bordered with colorful drought tolerants

4. Avoid excessive pruning.

Allow plants to grow into their natural shapes and prune annually to maintain the desired shape and size. To keep plants such as Lavender, Sages, Nepeta, Teurcrium, and Santa Barbara Daisy from getting woody prune hard once a year.

Add a water element to your garden to support the pollinator populations

5. Support your local pollinators

There are many ways to encourage pollinators to visit your garden. Perennial flowers in bloom and a water source are two great ways to support pollinators.

Montecito gravel sitting area under native oaks bordered by drought tolerant

Relax and Enjoy

The most important part of your garden is you. Spend time outside every day and both you and your garden will thrive. Remember to fill your garden with joy!

xo Lisa

PS. Nature-based gardening isn’t a new concept but thanks to The Perfect Earth Project it is gaining popularity. For more information visit their website.