Sound as part of Garden Design
Gardens are living works of art and like any work of art, they are designed to create an effect on the senses.
Unlike paintings or photographs, a garden creates effects on all the senses; sight, sound, touch, smell, and even emotion. Sound as part of garden design isn’t something often considered, but is just as important as sight and fragrance and can come from a variety of sources. The most obvious source of sound in a garden is water.
Fountains in history
Fountains have been used in gardens for centuries, placed at the center of a town in ancient and modern times. Used as a source of water for townspeople they were both functional and beautiful. The central fountain became a place to meet, gossip and find out the happenings of the day. But, as they depended on gravity to function, fountains were also a feat of engineering. Water has been a traditional garden design element since Babylon.
The Spanish Colonial architecture of Montecito and Santa Barbara made popular by George Washington Smith and others has Moorish influences and fountains are a vital element to these designs. Casa del Herrera and Lotusland both display that influence in their fountains.
The fountain Casa del Herrera shows the Moorish influence of the Spanish Colonial period
The Aesthetics of Water
The beauty and aesthetic of fountains far outweigh the small amount of water they use. Did you know you can “tune” your fountain? Yes, by adjusting the flow of water you can change the musical notes to suit your mood and circumstance.
blocking out unwanted sound
In some neighborhoods of Montecito and Santa Barbara, there is the persistent and somewhat annoying noise from the 101 freeway. Water features and fountains and even wind chimes provide the solution.
Your ear is attracted to the aesthetic sounds of water and the music of wind chimes distracting you from the noise of the highway. It is amazing how this works, its as if you are natively drawn to aesthetics. After a bit, you won’t even notice the other less desirable sounds.
This beautiful fountain was placed in custom built pond and surrounded by Roses and Lavender Click here to see the entire project
The Beauty of simplicity
You don’t need to get fancy when adding an element of water. As you can see in this photo, a deep recess in Santa Barbara sandstone provides a hint of water without the fuss.
The birds and the Bees
Our precious pollinators need a source of water in our relentlessly dry summers. Bees, butterflies and birds of all kinds will flock to your garden if you provide a source of water. Any water source will do and will give pollinators a reason to visit your garden.
This cloverleaf pond and fountain part of the original McCormick estate in Montecito, lovingly restored by Bruce Garcia of Garcia Rock and Water
sound in your garden
There are other ways to add elements of sound to your garden, the crunch of gravel beneath your feet as you walk a garden path, the sound of wind through trees, leaves falling from an Oak, birds singing, bees humming. Pay attention to the sounds next time you walk through your garden, I think you may be surprised.
Every garden deserves elements of sound. I hope you add fountains, birdbaths and chimes to your garden wish list, the options are pretty endless and so is the enjoyment. So until next time, fill your garden with joy and lots of fountains. xo Lisa