Custom made pond with stone edging and central fountain surrounded by roses, lavender, jasmine and blue spires sage to see the rest of the garden click here
I haven’t posted this Montecito garden in the past because it and the house were completely destroyed by the Montecito Debris Flow of January 9, 2018. Fortunately, no one was home at the time, there were no injuries and it has been over four years, so I thought I could show it to you now. I hope you forgive me, this garden was so special and beautiful I wanted you to see it. Check out the entire project here
Tucked away in a hidden spot protected by large hedges, this garden was a landscape designer’s dream. This property started as blank slate consisting of a huge dying lawn and not much else. Want to see more?
The end result was a complete transformation I can hardly believe it is the same place when I look at the before and after. The focal point of this masterpiece being a custom pond with stone edging and fountain. Rather than planting thirsty sod to surround the pond, we came up with the idea of “The Montecito Meadow” which is a selection of drought tolerant ground covers that can be mowed or allowed to grow to varying heights. The effect, I think you can agree, is magical. Want the rest of the story? Go here
The meadow was created by planting drought tolerant groundcovers. Santa Barbara Daisy, Falkia, Fescue and nepeta planted in masses and can be mowed like a lawn, but does not require the same amount of water. And it is fabulously more beautiful! Want your own Montecito Meadow? Contact us today
This magnificent garden is surprisingly drought tolerant with gravel paths that meander through garden beds full of flowers. Continuing on the paths one is lead through a woodland garden as well as rose garden. In addition to roses, the beds are planted with lavender, rosemary, jasmine, blue spires sage, pittosporum tobira and more.
Meandering garden paths take you through every corner of the property revealing secrets nooks, an armillary on a pedestal and several benches from which you can experience this garden in all its glory. In evening the garden comes alive as the paths, fountain and sculptures are illuminated by subtle lighting. The effect is transcendent.
This garden is dedicated to everyone who suffered loss of property or loss of life in the devastation of the Montecito Debris Flow. And, of course, to the lovely client who allowed us to have our way with her property, we are grateful and for whom I am sure the loss is still deeply felt, I have no words.
xo Lisa