Rain At Last! Has El Nino Finally Arrived?
Rain, at last! Finally, for the first time in years, we are having a real rain storm and it's time for a celebration. As of noon Tuesday, we have received an inch and a half of rain since it started last night. Does this mean that El Nino is here? Keep your fingers crossed that this is only the beginning...Find out how to prepare your garden for El Nino.
First Rain of the Season
I went out about 10 this morning to check to see if San Ysidro Creek was flowing. It wasn't. The creek had accumulated a few puddles, not yet flowing water. But, it has been dry for a couple years, so it may take more than one storm for it to become a creek again.It rained, so here's what I did this morning to celebrate: Positioned my two rain barrels (aka trash cans) so I can collect rain water for my orchids, put out a few sand bags to prevent water from flowing over our driveway, finally, I made sure our dry creek bed (aka faux creek) was free of obstruction so it could do it's job.
Dry Creek Beds
Speaking of a dry creek bed, consider this as an aesthetic way to deal with excess water, not that we have had to think about that for the last four years, but it might be a good time to contemplate creating a creek of your own.If you are wondering why you might want one, let me elaborate. In California, dry creek beds are part of the natural landscape. For example, Santa Inez river is dry most of the year. I haven't seen water in that "river" since the last El Nino. San Ysidro Creek used to flow year round as did Cold Springs Creek and lots of other Montecito waterways (remember how Cold Springs used to flow over Mountain Drive?). Four years of drought turned them all into dry creek beds.So, why would you want one? Because they are the most effective way to deal with excess water and even when there is no water, they are pretty attractive. There are some who will tell you that you need area drains and sometimes you do. However, if we are to re-build our water table and no let all this precious liquid pour into the ocean, Dry stream beds are the answer.If you are wondering if a Dry Stream Bed is for you, we will come over and give you a Free Home Garden Consultation once the rain stops.Until next time, fill your garden with joy (and lots of rain)!