Your Weeds Are Speaking-Are You Listening?

Clover, blue star creeper, weeds

Your Weeds are trying to tell you something

“What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Spring has sprung and no-doubt so have the weeds. Before you attack them with your hoe, you may want go out and talk to them, they could be trying to tell you something.

What Your Weeds Are Telling You

If you take the time to talk to them, your weeds may be able to tell you what your soil needs. Huh? Yep, you heard me. Let me give you an example.

Dandelions-A Garden’s Best Friend

Dandelions germinate in soils that are low in minerals especially, calcium. With its long taproot, dandelions bring up calcium, iron and a host of other minerals from the deepest regions of the earth making it available to other plants in your garden. They grow in compacted soil and that taproot helps to break up hard earth. The decomposing roots and leaves produce humus and the flowers attract beneficial insects. Plus, they are edible and good for you, being rich in beta-carotene, vitamins C and A. Think about that next time you see a Dandelion.

I’m Looking Over a Four-Leafed Clover

Sometimes Clover will take over a lawn. I recall the time I was called to advise on what to do with Clover in someone’s lawn. My advice was to do nothing! Why? Because Clover is a nitrogen-fixer, meaning that it brings nitrogen into the soil making it available to the plants that need it, attracts beneficial insects and it’s pretty! Hmm…are you starting to get the idea?

Weeds final word

You could spend a lifetime researching weeds and their uses, so no matter what you’ve got, here’s my suggestion on dealing with them.

Hoe the weeds before they go to seed, but DO NOT DISCARD THEM. Instead, allow them to dry on top of the ground (or in your compost pile) at which time you can work them into your soil. This method will contribute organic matter and extra nutrients to your garden.

Until next time, fill your garden with joy (and weeds)xo Lisa